Closest city to the trailhead:
Kellogg, Idaho
Average distance of hike:
5 miles round trip
Why do you recommend it?
Its proximity to Big Creek. The road is built along the banks of Big Creek for several miles. The creek is stunning all year, but it is magical in the winter.
What was most noteworthy?
There are also several cool waterfalls only found off the beaten path. The distance of this hike is user-defined. It could be as short as a half-mile round trip. Or you can continue to the top of the most scenic rapids on Big Creek. If you choose to visit the cedar grove.
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Are there restrooms?
Know before you go:
Snowshoeing requires more effort than walking, and deep snow can be a worthy adversary if you venture off trail. Otherwise, it is a leisurely snowshoe hike along a groomed winter trail/road.
Where to celebrate after?
Wallace Brewing
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
How do you get there?
Big Creek – Google Map Location
From Coeur d’Alene, take I-90 east toward Kellogg. Go past Kellogg a few miles and take the Big Creek exit. Turn right and drive south. Drive through and past the Sunshine Mine site and continue on the dirt/plowed road until you reach a large open area and quarry. Typically, this is where the road is closed during winter and where the hike begins.
Photography By Chris Celentano
As Featured In: Winter/Spring 2018