Closest city to the trailhead:
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Average Distance of hike:
5 miles

Why do you recommend it?
The views! The whole way up is filled with views, and they just get better and better the more you climb. It’s a good workout as well, and you’ll feel very accomplished at the end.
What was most noteworthy?
The views at the top are spectacular! It’s a steep hike to the top, but it’s all worth it when you’re overlooking the entire North Idaho area.
Are there restrooms?
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Know before you go?
It’s a steep hike to the top, but the views are worth it! There are also a lot of bikes on the trail to watch out for. It’s a popular spot for both hikers and bikers, so if you want to get out there alone, get there early.
Where to celebrate after?
Rogers Ice Cream in Hayden
How do you get there?
There are several trailheads and many different trails on the mountain. The west side parking lot (north Nettleton Gulch Road) starts higher up the mountain and is a longer trail to the top, but the Cancourse parking lot (east Shadduck Lane) is shorter with more elevation gain
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
Photography By Tiana Blanchard
As Featured In Summer/Fall 2022