Closest city to the trailhead:Avery, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:9 milesWhy do you recommend it?This challenging trail is absolutely worth it for the most incredible 360-degree view of the St. Joe…
Browsing: Idaho
Closest city to the trailhead:Clarkia, IDAverage Distance of hike:3 milesWhy do you recommend it?Though not long or difficult Hobo Creek Trail is interesting and scenic. Part of the Marble Creek trail system, Hobo Creek…
Closest city to the trailhead:Clark Fork, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:7.6 miles roundtripWhy do you recommend it?The Scotchman Peak trail has a very well-maintained path, diverse wildlife and incredible panoramic views…
Closest city to the trailhead:Metaline Falls, Wash.Average Distance of paddle:2-6 miles depending on route milesWhy do you recommend it?It is rare in this area to find official water trails meant…
Creek Boating in North IdahoThe rushing sound of water fills my ears as I drop my creek boat into a shallow eddy along Slate Creek, a tributary of the St.…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coeur d’Alene, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:5 milesWhy do you recommend it?The views! The whole way up is filled with views, and they just get better and…
Closest city to the trailhead:Sandpoint, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:12.5 milesWhy do you recommend it?It’s a beautiful hike if you like a challenge. It’s a long climb to the top, but…
Closest city to the trailhead:Bonners Ferry, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:4 milesWhy do you recommend it?This hike is a great example of what you find in the Idaho Selkirks, but compared…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coeur d’Alene, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:5 milesWhy do you recommend it?The views! The whole way up is filled with views, and they just get better and…
Closest city to the trailhead:Post Falls, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:VariedWhy do you recommend it?With its “adventure for anyone” flavor, and the trailhead being only 3 minutes from downtown, there isn’t…