Closest city to the trailhead:
Anacortes, Wash.
Average Distance of paddle:
2-20 miles, depending on route
Why do you recommend it?
If you are an experienced kayaker who loves to paddle coastal locales with a delightful combination of nature and adventure, Deception Pass is a great place to go. If you like to challenge yourself in tide races, boils, whirlpools and strong currents, there are few better places to go in the state. If you would like a more mellow day, focusing on wildlife and scenery, paddle north of Deception Pass between Bowman Bay and Washington Park. The currents are much less extreme through this area and the wildlife is abundant.
What was most noteworthy?
The sense of scale a kayaker feels when paddling underneath Deception Pass Bridge while the current is pushing out at several miles per hour is incredible. The giant boils, whirlpools and standing waves that form in this spot make a person feel tiny.

Are there restrooms?
Yes, at Cranberry Lake, North Beach Trail as well Bowman Bay. Both are popular places to launch sea kayaks.
Know before you go?
Deception Pass itself is NOT a place for inexperienced paddlers. The currents and features that the tides create here can be extreme. Additionally, the water in Puget Sound is cold year round. Thermal insulation such as a drysuit or wetsuit with a PFD are mandatory any time someone is paddling here. It is also important to understand the timing of the tides. Inexperienced paddlers getting caught in the current run the risk of being swept into the pass or out to sea. For recreational paddlers and SUP users, Bowman Bay is an excellent place to paddle. The bay offers shelter from the current.
Where to celebrate after?
Oak Harbor to the south and Anacortes both have a wide variety of eating and drinking establishments.
How do you get there?
From I-5 between Mount Vernon and Bellingham, head west on Highway 20 toward Anacortes. Do not drive into Anacortes, instead follow the signs to Deception Pass State Park. If you are heading to Bowman Bay, turn right onto Rosario Road off of HWY 20, then left onto Bowman Bay Road. That will take you down to Bowman Bay where there is a campground and day use area. If you are planning to launch at North Beach Trail, continue along HWY 20 toward Deception Pass State Park. Cross the bridge then turn right into Deception Pass State Park. Follow the signs to Cranberry Lake and North Beach.N

Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
By: Chris Celentano
As seen in the 2025 Winter/Spring edition