Closest city to the trailhead:
Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Average Distance of hike:
3 miles

Why do you recommend it?
It’s an easy trail in Kootenai Wildlife Refuge, with lots of beautiful scenery, trees, river, meadows. A great place to take family, and to enjoy many species of birds, and the occasional moose, elk, and deer.
What was most noteworthy?
This is a beautiful, easy trail to walk with family and friends. Scenery includes meadows, trees, river, and entire refuge.
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Are there restrooms?
Know before you go?
Restrooms are at Headquarters in the refuge. There are many species of birds if you are into bird watching. Be mindful of refuge boundary signs.
Where to celebrate after?
Kootenai River Inn Casino
How do you get there?
Enter Kootenai Wildlife Refuge through Bonner’s Ferry. The Deep Creek trailhead is on the left and the parking on the right just as you enter the refuge. Continue on the main road to Headquarters and Myrtle Creek Falls hike. There is a 5-mile auto tour near Headquarters.
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
Photography By Stephanie King