Closest city to the trailhead:
Thompson Falls, Mont.
Average Distance of hike:
4 to 5 miles round trip

Why do you recommend it?
If you like rugged backcountry hikes along steep ridges with incredible views of the Cabinet Mountains and Clark Fork River, then this hike is a must do. A bonus feature since 2018 is that the entire area had a massive forest fire that swept through and turned the area into a literal moonscape. It is eerie and fascinating to hike through the scorched and blackened landscape as you make your way to the peak.
What was most noteworthy?
The hike through the recent burn was absolutely incredible. It was other-worldy. Seeing tiny bits of grass and wildflowers sprouting up through the blackness was inspiring and breathtaking as well.
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Are there restrooms?
Yes. Located about a mile up the road at the summit of Cougar Peak at the fire lookout.
Know before you go?
This trail is only accessible behind a locked gate that accesses Cougar Peak Lookout. The best way to enjoy this trail is to reserve Cougar Peak Lookout for a night or two and hike the trail as a way to enjoy the day. The other option is to park near the gate, out of the middle of the road and add a couple miles of additional road hiking to the trailhead.
Where to celebrate after?
If you are staying at the lookout, have a beverage waiting with a steak ready to grill when you get back. You’ll be hungry. If you are only there for the day, head down to Thompson Falls and stop at any number of local establishments.
How do you get there?
From Coeur d’Alene, drive east on I-90. Take the Kingston exit and head north on the Coeur d’Alene River Road toward Prichard. Turn right onto Thompson Pass Road. Continue over Thompson Pass into Montana. Turn right onto HWY 200 toward Thompson Pass. At about a half-mile, turn left onto Blue Slide Road. Continue for about 7 miles. Turn right onto Road 403 toward Cougar Peak Lookout for about 14 miles. The trailhead will be on the outside of a left hand hairpin.
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
Photography By Chris Celentano