Closest city to the trailhead:
Butte, Mont.
Average Distance of hike:
2-10 miles, depending on route

Why do you recommend it?
If you are looking for an uncrowded, off-the-beaten-path place to go for a mellow hike on your way through Montana, the Humbug Spires Wilderness provides an incredibly scenic backdrop with easy access off of I-90 or I-15 about 20 minutes south of Butte.
What was most noteworthy?
The gigantic granite spires are nearly impossible to miss along the east side of I-15 only about 20 minutes after the I-90/I-15 interchange. The main trail heads gently uphill into the heart of the largest spires, but the hillsides are covered in hundreds of interestingly shaped boulders and spires the entire length of the trek.
Are there restrooms?
Yes, there is a pit toilet at the Moose Creek Trailhead
Know before you go?
There is no cell phone coverage at the trailhead and along much of the trail. The road is gravel and winds its way up Moose Creek through several shaded areas that may have ice or snow depending on the time of year. Also, keep in mind that this is grizzly and moose territory. Plan and pack your gear accordingly, and pay close attention to the weather forecast before heading out.
Where to celebrate after?
Butte Brewing Company
How do you get there?
From Spokane or Coeur d’Alene, make your way east past Missoula and past Deer Lodge on Interstate 90. Before Butte, Montana, take I-15 south toward Dillon and Idaho Falls. Approximately 20 miles south, take the Moose Creek Exit then head east. The road turns to gravel almost immediately. Follow Moose Creek Road 3.5 miles to the trailhead. N

Nspire Challenge Rating: Average Outdoor Enthusiast
As seen in the 2024 summer/fall edition
Photography By: Chris Celentano