Closest city to the trailhead:
Plummer, Idaho
Average distance of hike?
A 3-mile loop trail.
Why do you recommend it?
It is a relatively short, easy drive from Coeur d’Alene, and the scenery to and from is also worth the trip.
What was most noteworthy?
I hiked up to the top (only about 560’ of elevation gain) before dawn to watch and photograph the sunrise. What a great way to start the day.
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Are there restrooms?
Not at the trailhead but nearby at various locations in the park.
Know before you go:
You may want to bring your bike. The trailhead intersects with the Trail of the Coeur d’Alene’s, so after your hike you can enjoy a beautiful bike ride.
Where to celebrate after the adventure?
My preference is to continue around the lake and enjoy an ice cream or a beer in Harrison before the drive home along highway 97. This is a longer drive but very scenic.
How do you get there?
Indian Cliffs Trailhead – Google Map Location
From Coeur d’Alene head south on Highway 95 for 32 miles to Plummer. Take a left on Highway 5 and go 6.6 miles until you get to Heyburn State Park, Hawley’s landing and take a left. Once in Heyburn State Park, it is easy to find the trailhead for Indian Cliffs Loop.
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
Photography By Joel Riner
As Featured In: 2018 Summer/Fall CDA Edition