Closest city to the trailhead:
Missoula, Montana
Average distance of hike:
2.6 miles round trip.

Why do you recommend it?
Though it’s a bit of a drive from Coeur d’Alene the road to Jerry Johnson Hot Springs is very scenic, and the hike and subsequent soak in the natural hot springs are worth it.
What was most noteworthy?
There are multiple pools to choose from, but you may not get your own personal soak.
Are there restrooms?
Yes, at the trailhead.
Know before you go:
Bring a swimsuit and towels! It’s a hot springs!
Where to celebrate after?
The Lochsa Lodge
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
How do you get there?
Jerry Johnson Hot Springs – Google Map Location
Take I-90 east 165 miles to Missoula. Take exit 101 onto US-93/N. Reserve Street. Travel south 12 miles to Lolo, Mont. Turn right onto US-12 and go 55 miles to the trailhead. Total distance/time – 246 miles/4.5 hours.
When conditions allow: Take I-90 east 144 miles to Alberton, Montana Take Petty Creek Road south 19 miles to US-12 (part of this is a good dirt road). Turn right on US-12 and drive east 38.5 miles to the trailhead. Total distance/time 196 miles 3.75 hours.
Photography By Joel Riner
As Featured In: Winter/Spring 2018

1 Comment
Folks…PLZ pack out what you pack in. No littering in our beautiful forests. I always bring a change of clothes and put everything in a waterproof bag.