I have forever been attracted to the concept of sailing. It’s something my heart seems to understand, this tingle in my being when I daydream about climbing onto a tall-masted vessel and setting sail that makes all other forms of water travel pale impersonations. It’s a feeling, a belief that Captain Jon Totten of LTD Sailing is far more familiar with than me.
Jon has been a familiar face in these waters for years. Twelve of those were spent as the coordinator of the North Idaho College Outdoor Pursuits program, where his passion and dedication were key to several accomplishments, including acquiring the funding for the Student Wellness & Recreation Center and creating the Outdoor Center, Boathouse and Outdoor Pursuits Internship Program.
Over the years he’s taught and been guide to innumerable outdoor focused courses and camps. His favorite, however, is not hard to guess. “Sailing is my favorite to teach,” says Totten from across the table. “I believe it to be the ultimate combination of mind and body in the outdoors.” He goes on to describe the “micros” and “macros” of sailing potential. “You can take it as far as you want.”

Jon would know. He spent the last year living and sailing in the Grenadines. The Grenadines, with warm, clear caribbean waters, fresh seafood, a friendly and diverse culture, open ocean conditions to test every sailor’s skill and winds that never cease to ripple the sails. It’s a place of dreams.
It takes all of about six minutes of my listening to Jon describe it for me to start wondering how I can scrounge up the cash necessary to make the trip. A trip that not only Jon agrees is worth it but also Taylor Dockins and the Action Sports Media crew.

When Taylor heard Jon had signed on with LTD Sailing with the intention of not only teaching landlubbers to sail but expanding the operation to include adventure excursions, he went to work figuring out how he could get down there to shoot it.
Taylor and the ASM crew recently returned from an incredible 12 day adventure trip with Jon and LTD Sailing. They worked long hours to get ASM quality footage, but Taylor admits it wasn’t all work. True to their brand, Taylor is sure to remind us, LTD stands for Living The Dream. Says Taylor, “Waking up on a boat in the beautiful waters of the Grenadines to jump in for a morning snorkel, then breakfast, is a way I could start my day every day.”
Story continues after a quick message from our sponsor below.
On an LTD Sailing adventure, a party of four to eight deckhands can experience crewing a 45’ sailing yacht for up to 10 days in the beautiful Grenadines. They’ll have opportunities to paddle board, snorkel, scuba dive, kiteboard and even hike a volcano. They’ll divide the cooking and cleaning and learn to work together to crew the vessel. And the adventure opportunities and options continue to grow.

I was recently discussing this story and my desires to take this trip with my friend Michael Koep over sushi. After our meal, as we were preparing to leave, Michael reached across the table toward me, the tiny slip of paper he’d extracted from his fortune cookie held taut between slender fingers.
“I’ve got it,” he said, with some excitement. “Your last line.”
After a short pause for dramatic effect, I reached out, taking the paper with exaggerated care.
I read.
“A fun vacation to a distant land is soon in your future.”
I can hardly wait! N
By Toby Reynolds
Photography By Action Sports Media
As Featured In: Winter/Spring 2017