Closest city to the trailhead:
Metaline Falls, Wash.
Average Distance of paddle:
2-6 miles depending on route miles

Why do you recommend it?
It is rare in this area to find official water trails meant for paddle sports with a destination as spectacular as a 240ft waterfall. The paddle from the launch up the Pend Oreille River, immediately above the Boundary Dam, is absolutely spectacular with dense forests, tall limestone cliffs, caves, and brilliantly colored emerald green water.
What was most noteworthy
The view of the waterfall with towering Abercrombie Peak behind it and tucked away in the bay is absolutely something that must be seen to be believed.
Are there restrooms?
Know before you go?
It is imperative that paddlers do NOT attempt to paddle this section when there is anything less than minimum current flowing downstream through the canyon and Boundary Dam. Call ahead and ask the rangers or dam operators if it is safe to paddle to Peewee before heading up.
Where to celebrate after?
Stay the night and camp at Boundary Dam Campground!
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
How do you get there?
Boundary Dam campground and boat launch Google Maps Link
From Spokane or Coeur d’Alene, make your way to Newport, Washington. Once in Newport, head north on Highway 20 toward Metalline. On the north side of town turn left onto Boundary Road. Stay on Boundary Road for several miles until you can turn right onto Boundary Dam Access Road. Stay on this road until you reach a guard shack. Turn right before the shack and head downhill to the campground and boat launch. N
Photographer: Chris Celentano