Closest city to the trailhead:
Babb, Montana
Average distance of hike:
4.2 miles round trip.
Why do you recommend it?
It’s a fairly easy hike that’s family friendly with a big payoff of spectacular scenery, a nice waterfall and the chance to see wildlife.
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What was most noteworthy?
Fishercap Lake for a chance to see moose. And the trail in general is noteworthy, especially the aspens in the fall.
Are there restrooms?
Yes, outhouse facilities.
Know before you go:
The trailhead is also quite close to the Iceberg Lake/Ptarmigan Trail,
Where to celebrate after?
Back at camp! We love Many Glacier campground, which just so happens to be very close to the trailhead, so you never have to worry about parking, which can fill up quickly during the summer.
How do you get there?
Redrock Falls – Google Map Location
Pick up the trailhead at the far end of the parking area for the Swiftcurrent Motor Inn (in Many Glacier).
Photography By Scott Allen
As Featured In: 2019 Winter/Spring CDA Edition