Closest city to the trailhead:
Clark Fork, Idaho
Average Distance of hike:
7.6 miles roundtrip
Why do you recommend it?
The Scotchman Peak trail has a very well-maintained path, diverse wildlife and incredible panoramic views of the surrounding area. The overwhelming sense of peace that comes from sitting on top of a mountain like this is incredible.
What was most noteworthy?

The hike showcases the raw beauty of the Pacific Northwest. At the summit, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking vistas of Lake Pend Oreille and the surrounding wilderness. There’s nothing like basking in the beauty with a curious but confident mountain goat!
Are there restrooms?
Know before you go?
This is a hard hike. Know the conditions prior to your ascent. Conditions can change quickly, especially as you approach the summit. Above the treeline, shelter is scarce so be sure to bring sunscreen. Trekking poles will be your best friend! Bring water. Also, a high clearance vehicle is recommended. Near the trailhead, you will need to either drive or wade through Mosquito Creek, which will have much more water in the spring. Watch out for wildlife including moose and grizzlies.
Where to celebrate after?
The Old Icehouse Pizzeria in Hope
How do you get there?
From Sandpoint take Hwy. 200 east 25 miles to Clark Fork; turn left at Lightning Creek Road and go 1.2 miles (do not take Road 419) to the fork in the road. Take the fork to the left and go 1.4 miles. Turn right and go one mile. Turn left and go ½ mile. Turn left and go 2.1 miles and finally, turn left into the trailhead. It is a total of 6.3 miles from Hwy. 200.
Nspire Challenge Rating: Bring Your A-Game
Photography By: Adam Hicks