Closest city to the trailhead:
Avery, Idaho
Average Distance of hike:
Open-ended – 3.5 miles to 8 miles one way
Why do you recommend it?
One of the many “nearly forgotten” yet stunningly beautiful North Idaho trails, Skookum Creek Trail is a truly unique gem. For those looking for a unique hike packed with everything from rainforested creek walks to craggy rock outcroppings and 400-foot cliffs, this trail is an adventurer’s dreamland.
What was most noteworthy?
There are 34 creek crossings up this moss, fern and old-growth cedar-filled canyon. Some of the creek crossings are more than thigh-deep and require careful consideration to negotiate. In general, there was a new jaw-dropping scene to take in around every bend.
Are there restrooms?
Story continues after a quick message from our sponsor below.

Know before you go:
Due to the nature of this hike, it is important hikers pay close attention to the time of year they attempt this trail. For additional details visit our website or scan the QR code below.
Where to celebrate after:
TFP’s in Avery for some of the best brick-oven pizza around!
How do you get there?
From Interstate St Maries: Drive up the St. Joe River on The St. Joe River Road Highway 50 to Avery (48 miles). Stay on the river road through Avery for another 6-7 miles until you see a small trailhead #193. There is a small parking area on the north side of the road. The trail begins by the sign on the opposite side of Skookum Creek from the parking area.
Nspire Challenge Rating:Average Outdoor Enthusiast
Photography by Chris Celentano