Closest city to the trailhead:
Burns, Idaho
Average distance of hike:
1.5 miles round-trip
Why do you recommend it?
North Idaho has many beautiful waterfalls, and two of them, Upper and Lower Snow Creek Falls, are located in the Kaniksu National Forest, just southwest of Bonners Ferry. This moderately short hike heads downhill from the trailhead and into the Snow Creek drainage.
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What was most noteworthy?
The trail weaves through hillsides of ponderosa pine and shaded groves of cedar forests. About halfway, the trail splits. One trail goes to the Lower Falls, and the other continues on to the Upper Falls. There are benches and boardwalks.

Are there restrooms?
There are no restrooms and parking is limited.
Know before you go:
The best time is in the late spring or early summer because the falls are flowing full-blast and the cool mist feels great on a hot summer day! Although the falls are a part of the Kaniksu National Forest, the trailhead and first 500 ft. of trail are accessed through private property, so please respect the local landowners by keeping to the trail.
Where to celebrate after?
Kootenai River Brewing Company in Bonners Ferry
How do you get there?
Snow Creek Falls – Google Map Location
Heading north on US 95 take the Deep Creek exit about two miles south of Bonners Ferry. Follow Deep Creek Loop for three miles, then turn right on Lion’s Den Rd. (West Side Rd. on some maps). Keep on this for 1.5 miles, then soon after crossing a small bridge, turn left on Snow Creek Rd. (#402). Continue on Snow Creek Rd. for 1.2 miles to the trailhead.
Nspire Challenge Rating:
- Lazy Sunday Stroll
- Family Adventure
- Average Outdoor Enthusiast
- Bring Your A-Game
- Master Adventurer
Photography By Brent Flint
As Featured In: 2019 Winter/Spring CDA Edition