Closest city to the trailhead:
Lowell or Kooskia
Average Distance of hike:
21 miles
Why do you recommend it?
This trail offers true wilderness adventures and an abundance of nature including streams, forests and scenes of hills and mountaintops. This trail is great for backpacking adventures.
What was most noteworthy?
Enjoy the scenic byway of the Lochsa River for 71 miles along Hwy 12 heading west until reaching the trailhead. There are pontoons, kayaks and rafters to watch and photograph along the journey. The Lochsa River is rich with forest and waterway scenery.
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Are there restrooms?
Know before you go?
The trail is approx. 21.3 miles and extends from Split Creek Ridge to Coves Lake Trail with 8,848 elevation gain. Great for backpacking and hiking. It’s unlikely you will encounter many other people along the way.
Where to celebrate after?
Lolo Hot Springs in Lolo, Mont.
How do you get there?
From Interstate 90 going east, take the exit at Alberton, Mont., Petty Creek Road, and follow until you get to Hwy 12 (stop at the Jack Saloon along the way). From there, turn right and follow the Lochsa River about 71 miles until the Split Creek Trail sign.
Nspire Challenge Rating: Bring your A-game
Photographer: Stephanie King