Closest city to the trailhead:Kingston, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:15 miles one wayWhy do you recommend it?The roadless section of the North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River is a wild…
Browsing: Idaho
Closest city to the trailhead:St. Maries, IdahoAverage Distance of hike:1 mileWhy do you recommend it?It’s a great family adventure to hike to the steam donkey (an old engine designed to…
Closest city to the trailhead:Sandpoint, IdahoAverage distance of hike?6.0 miles round trip.Why do you recommend it?This trail shows beautiful scenery during each season, as well as beautiful views of Lake…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coeur d’Alene, IdahoAverage distance of hike:2.0 milesWhy do you recommend it?This is one of the most valuable resources in our area. Tubb’s Hill is a 500-acre…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coeur d’ Alene, IdahoAverage distance of hike:4 milesWhy do you recommend it?On the way up to Red Top Mountain, you will pass Hidden Lake on the…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coolin, IdahoAverage distance of hike:5 milesWhy do you recommend it?This is a fairly easy hike with some of the best views in the region. Views of…
Closest city to the trailhead:Coeur d’Alene, IdahoAverage distance of hike:6 milesWhy do you recommend it?The beautiful forested trail begins at Beauty Creek and winds through the trees for 6 miles…
Closest city to the trailhead:Ashton, IdahoAverage distance of hike:.5 – 4 milesWhy do you recommend it?It is not often that two massive and stunningly beautiful waterfalls are so close in…
Closest city to the trailhead:Post Falls, IdahoAverage distance of hike:3.0 milesWhy do you recommend it?The vast system of trails allows you to take a different route most every time, if…
Closest city to the trailhead:Clark Fork, IdahoAverage distance of hike:A little over 4 miles one-way with an elevation gain of 3,700 feet. Why do you recommend it?This is an incredibly…