Closest city to the trailhead:
Bonners Ferry, Idaho or Cranbrook, Canada
Average Distance of hike:
1 mile round trip
Why do you recommend it?
This is a great hike just over the border from Bonners Ferry. It’s a short hike down an old road, where you then get to cross the river. Once you reach the falls, there are several mining tunnels you can explore. They don’t go very far back, but there are some rusted historic equipment in there that is fun to look at.
What was most noteworthy?
The finale is the 70-foot tunnel that takes you to an eye-level view of the falls. In the summer, this is a popular swimming and cliff-jumping spot. However, the Moyie River flows strong year-round and makes a great family adventure. Don’t forget headlamps!
Are there restrooms? No
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Know before you go?
You will need to cross the river twice, once to get to the falls and once to go through the mining tunnels. There are stepstones/log bridges, but at high water you might get wet. The tunnel is filled with water, so your boots will get wet either way.
Where to celebrate after?
Cranbrook Fire Hall Kitchen & Tap
How do you get there?
Cross the Canadian/Idaho border at Eastport, and drive about and 45 minutes north until you reach Lumberton. Turn up Lumberton Road for 4.5 miles until you reach a fork. Turn down to your left and you will reach a trailhead where there is a gated road. Follow that gated road down.
Nspire Challenge Rating: Lazy Sunday Stroll
Phtography by Miles Bergsma